Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dear Weather Modification Inc. (,

I am very puzzled here.Your website suggests that it welcomes inquiries from the public regarding your weather modification projects.

"If you wish to receive more information about atmospheric assessment and evaluation, cloud seeding, weather radar systems or environmental monitoring, please complete the form below. Our team of experts will answer all of your questions to the best of our ability."

I feel decieved as twice now, since July when the following article was posted on the CBC website: Calgary Hail Shrunk By Cloud Seeding Planes , I have submitted very basic questions regarding the safety of your cloud seeding agents, and it will be November tomorrow, and I have, thus far, recieved no reply and there is no safety/toxicology information on your website.

My questions were as follows:

Quote from your website: "the active ingredient in cold cloud seeding is silver iodide".
What other ingredients does the seeding agent contain? What studies have been done regarding the safety of the other ingredients present? Specifically, do the seeding agents contain aluminum or barium? Is the main ingredient for the warm seeding agent the same as the cold seeding agent?

That's it. That's all the information I wanted. I think it is pretty basic information that someone there would surely be able to answer. The populace upon which you are spraying these aerosols is entitled to know that what is being sprayed in the air they breathe has been thoroughly tested for safety. I would go a step further, adding that the populace should have some input and consent before weather modification takes place, but clearly you do not share this belief.

I have not asked you to share your "secret formula", but simply to confirm or deny that a couple of metals are present (I now add strontium to that list), and whether what you are using is safe.

You have chosen not to answer, which raises a lot of questions, specifically about what it is you are trying to hide.

So now to my small list of questions, I would like to add the following. First, very bluntly I would like to ask why my questions have not been addressed. Secondly, do you think the public is entitled to know what your seeding agents contain, and whether they are safe, or do you have no moral objections to playing god?

To "hold your feet to the fire", so to speak, I have posted this letter on my new blog

I also intend on calling you on speaker phone and recording your answers, which I will post on my blog as well, if my questions remain unaddressed.

Furthermore, I also intend to contact major media outlets in Canada to advise them of your failure to be forthcoming on these issues.

I hope to hear from you soon,

Saturday, October 30, 2010

UN biodiversity group imposes moratorium on risky experiments

Those who were banking on a quick, technological solution to climate change and species extinction - such as artificially whitening clouds to make them reflect more sunlight - will have to think again.
Delegates to a landmark United Nations meeting on biodiversity held in Nagoya, Japan have agreed to a moratorium on risky geoengineering experiments that could alter global temperatures and precipitation patterns.

Read more:
UN biodiversity group imposes moratorium on risky experiments

Friday, October 29, 2010

A bit about me and why I started this blog...

I'm a 31-year-old stay-at-home mom from BC, Canada who has been suffering with a host of painful and debilitating symptoms for the past 10+ years, that I only figured out very recently stem from a bizarre medical condition called Morgellon's Disease. This condition is characterised by the presence of extremely fine fibers emerging from the skin. (visit and, FMI)

These fibers/filaments, I believe, are the result of some sort of nanotechnology being sprayed on the populace via chemtrails, as these fibers have been compared to literally hundreds of natural fibers and tens of thousands of organic compounds, and the only matches were found (by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, and Clifford Carnicom), were in chemtrail samples. Fiber samples sent to independant laboratories have also been identified as nanotechnology.

As I am writing this, I have only known I have this for a couple of weeks. I first found the fibers pouring out of my body after a hot bath. I knew about Morgellons already because I have been researching chemtrails since Spring 2009, and had recently been viewing mfromcanada1's youtube channel, where she documents her experiences with this disease.

I have since discovered that when I eat large amounts of garlic (3 or more bulbs...not cloves...bulbs/day is very easy to take and tasty when roasted), these "critters" freak out and start popping out by the dozens a few hours after gorging on garlic (You can mash it and stir it into soups/stews, spread on toast, etc....yum!). I am also hearing a lot of other methods for purging the little beasts, which I am eager to try.

Anyways, prior to actually observing any fibers coming out of me, I suspected I was infected, because I had pretty much all the common symptoms, and was finding massive amounts of bright red, blue and black fibers all over the house.

At this point I was in the midst of a fairly sudden move, and I didn't want to add more stress, so I decided not to explore it too much further until I was settled into my new home.

Well, I'm settled in now, anxious to get a microscope (apparently a lot of Morgellon's sufferers own microscopes), and start documenting this weirdness, as well as my journey to wellness. I am trying to figure out how to film the morgs in action because it is VERY, VERY bizarre and interesting, but I think I need a higher res. camera.

My main focus, however, is raising awareness on the chemtrails/geoengineering issue and doing whatever I can to stop this.

Yesterday the UN agreed on a moratorium on geoengineering, which, on the surface sounds like a reason to celebrate, however, upon closer inspection, this moratorium really seems to be more about giving the UN global jurisdiction over geoengineering than actually stopping geoengineering. Just further centralisation of power.

The UN has effectively killed two birds with one stone. They've thrown the increasingly disgruntled masses a bone and they've taken one more step toward global government. I will start dancing in the streets when I actually stop seeing chemtrails in the sky, and no sooner.